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The Gospel of Mark: Follow Me - Jeremy Little

Jun 30, 2024    Jeremy Little

Why doesn’t it work to try to follow Jesus on your own terms? This week, Jeremy Little continued our sermon series through the book of Mark, looking at when Jesus calls His first disciples. Jesus doesn’t call world leaders, great thinkers, or influential people; He calls ordinary workers—fishermen. He meets them in the mundane tasks of life and invites them to a whole new purpose: “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Jesus invites them (and us) to participate in the very work God is doing in the world—gathering people to salvation in Jesus Christ! It’s a breathtaking invitation, and the disciples respond by immediately leaving everything and following Him. They leave everything! This is radical obedience. We can’t follow Jesus on our own terms because that’s still going our own way. Jesus is daily calling us to follow Him—not just when we were saved. We can so easily get off track and go back to our old ways, but Jesus is joyfully inviting us to come back to wholehearted obedience to Him.

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At OneLife, we want to be and make disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our world. We are God’s people making much of Jesus in everyday life for the good of the neighborhoods in the Bay Area of Houston and beyond.

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