The Gospel of Mark: Jesus Responds to Imperfect Faith - Jeremy Little
Sometimes, life throws obstacles at us that we just can’t fix, no matter how hard we try. Those desperate moments reveal the true state of our faith, and often it is meager, small, and very imperfect. But the good news is that Jesus responds to imperfect faith! In Mark 5, both Jairus and a woman suffering for years came to Jesus, not because they were ready to follow Him, but because they believed He could move in their situation. And in His kindness, Jesus took their small, desperate faith and did something far greater than they expected. He not only miraculously took care of their need, but he also drew them into relationship with Himself. Jesus takes our imperfect faith and draws us to the reality that there is so much more in Him. Whatever faith you have—whether strong, struggling, or barely hanging on—bring it to Jesus. He’s the one who breathes life into our souls and meets us in our need.
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