Isn't the Bible Unreliable? - Questioning Christianity - Chris Nagel
This week, we kicked off our new sermon series Questioning Christianity. We are living today in a Post-Christian culture where many people are leaving and deconstructing their faith. During the next several weeks, we will evaluate the claims against Christianity and give persuasive reasons for why we believe what we believe and why it’s the best hope for the world!
In today’s message, Chris Nagel evaluates the reliability of the Bible. As followers of Jesus, we treasure Scripture as God’s word, preserved throughout centuries, written to us that we might know and believe in Jesus Christ. That through Him, we would find salvation from our sins and a relationship with God the Father. But how can we be sure that what is included in the Bible was what was originally written? How can we be confident that the Bible is an accurate account and not just a legend? Join us as we dig into these questions and treasure the beauty of Scripture.
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