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How Does a Loving God Allow Suffering? - Questioning Christianity - Jeremy Little

Sep 17, 2023    Jeremy Little

What is the source of our suffering? And if God is in control, why doesn’t He use his power to end suffering? This week, Jeremy Little continued our series Questioning Christianity looking at how a loving God can allow suffering. The very fact that we are outraged at suffering actually points us to the existence of a God who is the standard of morality and the standard of how things “ought to be”. The Bible teaches us that God is not aloof from our suffering, but has written himself into human history as Jesus Christ who suffered on our behalf. Though we experience suffering because our world is broken by sin, in Jesus our suffering finds a home - a Savior who empathizes with us and who has authority to ultimately deliver us. Like Jesus, we can support others who suffer by empathizing with their pain and also pointing them to the goodness of God who will one day end suffering for His people forever. 

2 Corinthians 4:8-10; Isaiah 53:3; Romans 8:18

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