Acts: A Return to the Authentic - A Devoted Community - Brian Barr
What should the church be known for? Is the goal of the church only to grow larger? Or are there other values the church should be distinguished by? This week, Brian Barr continued our series through Acts looking at the early church as a model for us at OneLife. The church isn’t a building or meeting, it’s the family of God. We see in Scripture that the early church was serious about Jesus, the members were cared for, they were compelling to outsiders and there was great joy and rejoicing amongst them. The early church was so fruitful and effective because they devoted themselves to Jesus and his church. For us to be this kind of healthy church, we cannot be casual in our devotion. We must be people who devote ourselves to being the church if we are to be the effective and compelling church that Jesus had in mind.
Acts 2:42-47
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