God as the Father: From Orphans to Sons and Daughters - Brian Barr
Who are you? It’s a question we all ask, and the ache to define ourselves can drive us to exhaustion. Striving to prove our worth through performance leaves us feeling insecure and unstable, like living on a roller coaster. But Jesus offers a better way. In Matthew 11:28-30, He invites us to receive an identity—not one achieved through our efforts, but one rooted in His love and grace. In Christ, we are not orphans striving for validation, but beloved sons and daughters of God, secure in His acceptance and free from fear, guilt, and shame. It’s in the presence of the Father that our wounds are healed, our hearts are restored, and we can live under the blessing of His love and freedom.
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At OneLife, we want to be and make disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our world. We are God’s people making much of Jesus in everyday life for the good of the neighborhoods in the Bay Area of Houston and beyond.
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