Disciple: What it Means to Experience God as Father - Brian Barr
Everything in life changes when we experience God as Father. For the Christian, this is our reality through Jesus! This new identity - as a son or daughter of God - is the most significant truth about us. The temptation is for us to find our identity in the things we do or the things that have happened to us. But it's through our relationship with God our Father that we find our worth, true identity and the love we so desperately long for. Our Father isn't disappointed in us. He will not abandon or reject us. We have been adopted. The Holy Spirit removes our shame and guilt and brings us value, belonging and purpose. He pours the love of the Father into our hearts. Being a disciple of Jesus means growing in intimacy with our Father in heaven.
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At OneLife, we want to be and make disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our world. We are God’s people making much of Jesus in everyday life for the good of the neighborhoods in the Bay Area of Houston and beyond.
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